5* breathing for you, at all times

Unlock more serene and efficient sleep as well as increased confort through conscious and unconscious nasal breathing, especially while your nose is blocked or whenever you could use more oxygen.

  • Why are Oxygen Strips used worldwide ?


    ✅ INCREASED SLEEP QUALITY (short nights, naps, sleep apnea, snoring)


    ✅ INCREASED BREATHING CONFORT (while having a cold, allergies, heat)


    ✅ CHEAP & PORTABLE (can replace nasal sprays (!) and takes no space)


    ✅ SAFE & NON INTRUSIVE SOLUTION (medical grade & instantly effective)

Works by slightly lifting your nostrils

Can be used for : sleep, short naps, meditation, breathwork, aerobic sports, endurance sports, allergies, sinus congestion, stuffed nose, colds, riding bikes, recovering from surgery, stressful situations, coping with heat, increased breathing confort and jet lag

Facilitates healthy nasal breathing by enabling more oxygen into your system :

17% more airflow

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Actual benefits of wearing these ?

During the day and aerobic exercise :

- Relieves a blocked nose instantly (allergies, colds, heat)
- Nitric oxide (NO) production (antimicrobial properties)
- Vasodilation
- Optimal lung and overall vitality

During the night :

- Reduced snoring
- Reduced sleep apnea (for mild apnea)
- Parasympathetic nervous system activation
- Relieves a blocked nose instantly (allergies, colds, heat)
- No dry mouth or throat

Is this suited to every type of skin ?

Yes your Oxygen Strips are made for any type of skin - we use medical glue from Germany that is safe to use. If you see any sign of allergy please do not use this product.

Will this stick during a night's sleep or a long sweaty workout ?

Yes, your Oxygen Strip will stay on your nose until your remove it. We advise you to wash your face beforehand for the most optimal application.

How do I best use the Oxygen Strips ?

Regarding placement, your Oxygen Strip should be on the lower part of your nose, where your nostrils are. We recommend you try what works best for you. Our clients love wearing them both during the day and during the night, but this is up to you.


    Interrupted sleep and a dry mouth won't be the default anymore. Breathing better through your nose means breathing less through your mouth. Simple!


    Would you rather have a bit less oxygen ? or a bit more..? We know how uncomfortable it can be to feel like you can not breathe properly.


    The maximal ability to deliver oxygen to the tissues of the body establishes the upper limit of endurance performance and strength. Try it !


Shipped from 🇨🇭 Switzerland.